Tips for Encouraging Your Childs Dental Hygiene – Health Talk Online

These are the most difficult to access areas. To floss, use about 18 inches of floss and wrap it around your index fingers. Gently slide the floss across and back between each tooth, being cautious not to scratch or break or damage the gum tissue.

It is important to teach your child how to use toothpaste , and the slow, circular movements to brush. It’s important that they know how often to replace their toothbrush each three months or when bristles start to fray.

Schedule Regular Dental Visits

Many parents are unsure of when to start their child’s treatment for dental issues. Consult with your insurance company about when is the most appropriate time for your child. A majority of kids will visit the dentist when they are two years old, but this can differ depending on the provider. In your child’s first dental appointment dental professionals will check their teeth and gums and look for signs of tooth decay or other oral health problems, and talk about proper flossing and brushing techniques.

A family dentistry office is a great resource if you’re not sure when to start dental care to my kid. A dentist is able inform you of the date your child is able to begin flossing as well as when fluoride toothpaste is able to be applied. Dentists can also offer advice on when your child’s teeth should shift from baby teeth to permanent teeth, and the type of braces, or any other type of treatment are required once they’re more advanced.

Don’t ignore emergencies

When your child is young may require urgent treatment or dental implants. Get immediate help if your child is experiencing sudden pains or swelling. They may also be experiencing other concerns with their oral health. This issue can be identified and addressed by your dentist family before it gets worse.

If your child is suffering from an immediate medical need, get treatment started as soon as you can. Dent
