Automotive Plastic Parts, Explained – Car Talk Podcast

It helps reduce weight , and improves efficiency in fuel. A majority of automobile parts are made of plastic. The advantages of plastic components are numerous.

The primary reason for choosing to utilize automotive plastic parts is the fact that they’re light. If you take a look at a comparison of a steel part with a plastic component, you will find that the latter is heavier than the former. The car you drive will be more efficient when driving because of this.
A second advantage for using plastic parts for cars is the fact that they are able to be able to withstand temperatures of high. As an example, if you take a look at the air conditioner, you will be able to see that heat has heated up its metal part due to its engine. When you look at the plastic part and do not see any changes in temperature. The plastic part will be able to stand higher temperatures that the metal component.
Finally, parts made of plastic are less difficult to fix as compared to metal parts because there are fewer moving components that move in the plastic.

In the event that something goes wrong with your car, then you don’t need to think about replacing the entire part. You can simply take the defective part off.